Image of a woman using a calculator to figure out personal finances

4 Simple Practices to Improve Your Personal Finances

Image of a woman using a calculator to figure out personal finances

The downward spiral of debt is a dangerous one, especially when that debt is attached to extremely high interest rates, typical of credit card debt. With rates as high as 36%, it can be very challenging to climb back out for air. But all is not lost. You can still take action right now to not only get rid of your debt, but start padding your savings account too.

Give these 4 practices a go to get you back on the road to financial health for the long haul.

Commit to Using Cash Only for a While

If you’ve had a torrid affair with plastic (aka your credit card), you may have gotten yourself into trouble every now and then. Financial gurus often suggest that people with dangerously high levels of debt should cut up every credit card owned, and use cash only for expenditures until the debt has been successfully managed.

If you are having a tough time saving because every penny you make is going to towards paying off your ridiculously high credit card debt, perhaps it’s time to start adopting a cash-only lifestyle, at least for a little while until you get a hold of your finances. Just keep one old credit card account open, but don’t charge it. While this may sound like a crazy, impossible task, you’ll soon learn how to live within your means.

Put 1% of Every Paycheck Into Your Savings Account

One percent might not sound like a lot, but it’s something, and it’s a good starting point upon which you can build. Putting a certain percentage of your income away into a savings account will help get you into the habit of saving on a regular basis. No matter how small your bank account is, and regardless of how little you’re putting away every month, the point is you’re still saving.

As you begin to gradually pay off debt and slowly grow your savings, you can take the money you’ve accumulated and start putting more of it towards debt. You’d be surprised at what this forward momentum can do for your saving habits. Before you know it, you’ll be much closer towards paying off your debt.

Check Your Balances on a Daily Basis

Sound like too much? Well, just taking a couple of minutes each day to check your account balances can help keep you in-the-know about your finances and spending habits. While daily account checking might sound a tad obsessive, it can really help keep you honest with yourself about where exactly your money is going. It’ll also help lower the odds of spending impulsively. By having an accurate dollar amount floating around in your head, you’ll be better able to make sound spending decisions.

Reward Yourself on PayDay

Much like treating yourself to a donut every once in a while when on a diet, rewarding yourself with a spending treat is also helpful when you’ve stuck to your budget so diligently until payday. Just make sure that this reward is an affordable luxury, and not an exorbitant splurge that you’ll deeply regret. It could be a manicure, a half hour massage, or a new pair of shoes. Over time, you’ll start looking forward to these rewards, helping you stick to your budget without tapping into your savings.

Sticking to these practices, and others like them, on a consistent basis can help turn your finances around for good. After a few weeks or months, they’ll actually come naturally to you without having to force yourself into saving.

New Year’s Resolutions for Home Buyers and Sellers

The start of the new year is the time when many people make resolutions to themselves to improve their lives in some form or fashion. Losing weight, finding a better job, or traveling tend to be among the more popular New Year resolutions, but if buying or selling your home is on the agenda for 2023, there are other specific resolutions that should be on your list, and that you should stick to.

Here are some new year resolutions that you should be making to help you achieve your home buying or selling goals this year.


Start Saving

It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. There’s no time like the present to start saving for a new home, and the more money you can muster up, the smaller the loan you’ll need to take out. If you can gather at least a 20% down payment, you won’t have to worry about paying Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) that lenders charge to protect themselves in case you ever default on your mortgage.

If you can’t gather up that much money towards a down payment, don’t fret. You can still put down as little as 5% for a conventional mortgage, and even as little as 3.5% for an FHA-backed home loan.

Either way, you still need to save. If you have difficulty being self-disciplined with your spending and saving habits, consider automating your bank accounts so that you put aside a certain amount of your income into a separate savings account every month. If you don’t see the money while it’s being automatically deposited, you won’t be as tempted to spend it.


You should have an idea of how much house you can afford to buy, as well as all the extra expenses that come along with purchasing a home. Set up a budget that outlines in detail what your income is, and compare that amount with your current debts.

Make an effort to shrink your budget a little bit to help you make more room for saving up for your future home and reduce your debt amounts. Try to come up with a budget that takes into account the fact that your mortgage will take up a larger amount of your paycheck in order for you to start getting accustomed to spending less money on unnecessary things.

Improve Your Credit

A key factor that your lender will consider before approving you for a mortgage is the state of your credit. If your credit score is low, you stand a good chance of getting denied. Even if you are approved, you will likely be faced with a higher interest rate on your mortgage, which will cause your home loan to be more expensive over the long run.

Get a copy of your credit report to make sure there aren’t any errors on it that could be bringing your score down. If you find any, report them to the credit bureau so that the issue can be investigated.

If your credit score is very good (at least 700 or above), you’re in a good position. If it’s lower than that, you need to take steps to improve it. Start paying your bills on time and in full each month, and keep up on your credit card, student, and auto loans. Don’t use any more than 30% of your available credit, and make sure not to make any large purchases on credit, which can have a negative impact on your credit score.

All your lender wants to see is that you are responsible with your credit.

Get PreApproved For a Mortgage

Having a mortgage pre-approval will not only allow you to identify how much you can realistically afford before you start house hunting, it will also tell sellers that you are less of a risk compared to another buyer without a pre-approval.

Having said that, make sure you start gathering up all of your financial documents to provide to your lender so that the pre-approval process can get underway. This includes your tax returns, bank statements, and letter of employment, among others. You will also need to fill out and submit a mortgage application. It should be noted that a pre-approval is not necessarily a guarantee that you will be approved for an eventual mortgage, but it certainly gets you one step closer.


Get Your Home Ready For the Market

Have a good look around your home. Does it look cluttered? Could your walls use a paint job? Are your shelves covered in family photos? Now is the time to clean up, make any repairs, or even redecorate to properly stage your home for the market.

Generally speaking, your real estate agent and professional home stager will likely recommend decluttering, depersonalizing, and neutralizing the decor of your home in order for it to be more appealing to a larger pool of buyers. The earlier you start this potentially big project, the more time you’ll have to make sure your home is ready to be viewed by prospective buyers.

Work Out the Time Between Selling Your Home and Buying a New One

This can be tricky, but it’s important to be able to calculate the rough timeline between selling your current home and buying your new one. You don’t want to be stuck with two mortgages because the closing dates between the two transactions overlap. Likewise, you don’t want to be rushed out of your home with no place to go because the closing dates are spread too far apart.

Determine whether or not you can afford to close on a new home before your current one sells. It can be somewhat stressful to sell your home and buy another one at the same time. Look at what your potential housing options are, and go over your finances in detail in order to plan out the most ideal timeline for both selling and buying.

Hire an Experienced Real Estate Professional

Having an experienced and knowledgeable real estate professional in your corner really should be top priority. These experts can help guide you in the right direction and assist you in making the right moves and decisions in proper succession in order to ensure the buying and selling process is a streamlined one. Choosing the right real estate agent can also help make sure that you stick to your real estate New Year’s resolutions!

Easy Ways to Make Your Bathroom Feel Larger Than it Really is

Designing and decorating a tiny bathroom can be a daunting task. Combining both style and function is a lot more challenging when you’re working with a small space. If your budget is tight, you might be tempted to just pour your resources and efforts into larger rooms in the home. But the bathroom should never be ignored – it’s a highly used space that plays a key role in the value of your home.

If you don’t want to rip down a wall in the bathroom in an effort to physically enlarge it, there are simple cosmetic tricks that you can employ to make it seem as though you’ve expanded the room. Here are a few easy and affordable ways to make a small space grow, at least visually anyway.

Let the Light Shine in 

Brining in as much natural light as possible in a small space like a bathroom is a fabulous way to make the room appear more open and larger than it really is. Whether it’s from a window or skylight, natural light has the ability to make a space warm and inviting.

If you aren’t blessed with large windows, and instead are stuck with a tiny port hole, light fixtures can go a long way to adding that bright open feeling you so desire. Layering the lighting so that there is both direct and indirect light can add depth and space to a small room. Having a main ceiling light, wall sconces on opposites walls, pot lights in the shower stall and lighting over the vanity mirror can all work harmoniously to open up the space in your bathroom.

Mirrors and More Mirrors

Thanks to their reflective property, mirrors have a magical way of making a small room seem larger and grander, and the bigger they are, the better. Instead of hanging a small mirror above your sink, install an oversized mirror that runs the length of the wall from the vanity to the ceiling.

If you’ve got a double sink, make sure to opt for one large mirror that reaches both ends of the vanity rather than hanging two separate mirrors. If possible, place mirrors across from a window or a bright light fixture in the room to make it visually seem like there are two windows in the same space.

Blend the Tile and Wall Color Together

Double the space in your tiny bathroom by making the tiles the same color as the walls. Having two different colors will do nothing but chop up the space, effectively cutting it in half – the total opposite effect you’re trying to achieve. Instead, blend the two surfaces together in the same hue to make the room look bigger and more spacious.

Take things a step further with the tiles and extend them as far up as the ceiling. It’s amazing how many builders automatically stop the shower stall tile a couple of inches away from the ceiling and then trim the edges. It probably takes less work and requires less money to tile all the way up to the ceiling, not to mention how much better it looks. Avoiding this unnecessary transition from tile to drywall will create less contrast, and therefore a more spacious feel to the room.

Paint the Ceiling and Walls the Same Color

Too many unnecessary transitions in a space will do nothing but break it up. While this might work for extra-large rooms, it doesn’t really work that well in a tight loo. Painting your ceiling and walls in the same color will create a unifying effect that will eliminate any borders and visually expand the space. This is especially true if the ceiling is angled or has low areas. Expand the vertical element of your bathroom and splash the same coat of paint on the walls and the ceiling.

Trade Shower Curtains for Clear Glass

A shower curtain or textured glass around the shower stall will do nothing more than make it seem as though there’s an extra wall in your bathroom. While this does provide privacy in the shower, it will just create a visual barrier inside the room. Instead, clear glass will open up the space, and add square footage in a room that desperately needs it.

Without having to rip down walls, you can make your bathroom look a lot larger with a few tricks of the eye. You don’t have to physically add square footage to visually enlarge a small space!

Photo of a worker carefully placing ceramic floor tiles on adhesive surface

Bathroom Remodeling Do’s and Don’ts

Photo of a worker carefully placing ceramic floor tiles on adhesive surface

It’s a small, unassuming space, but it’s a crucial one nonetheless. Bathrooms are one of the more important rooms that can add a great deal of value to a home if they’re modernized and up-to-date, not to mention bring years of comfort and pleasure to those who use it.

If your bathroom is currently in need of a little TLC, a remodeling job is probably on the agenda. But before you start the demolition process, make sure you’ve done your homework on what you should – and shouldn’t – do to bring this space up to par.

Here are some do’s and don’ts to bathroom remodeling to consider to make sure the final product is exactly what you want without breaking the bank.


Choose Appropriate Finishes

A bathroom remodeling job can be pretty involved and expensive. The last thing you want to do is have to go through the process all over again in a few years because the materials and finishes you chose were too trendy and quickly became outdated. Try to stick with more classic, neutral finishes that are stylish yet will stand the test of time.

Similarly, you want to make sure the materials and finishes you choose are right for a bathroom. For instance, porcelain tile is an ideal material for any bathroom floor, as it’s a lot harder than ceramic tile and comes in a variety of sizes, colors, patterns, and shapes.

For the walls, you’ll have your pick of the litter when it comes to materials, including ceramic, natural stone, and glass. As far as the countertop goes, popular materials include granite, quartz, and marble, which can easily ward off the effects of water and moisture, and are extremely durable.

Maximize Storage

Storage is often elected in a bathroom remodel. While your home might have a linen closet nearby that’s big enough to house all of your towels and face cloths, you might want to have ample storage right in the bathroom itself for toiletries such as toilet paper, soap bars, tissue boxes, cleaning solutions, makeup, shampoo, and so forth. Consider adding a full vanity or built-in shelving.

Update the Ventilation System

Built-up moisture can wreak havoc in a small space like a bathroom. Having an adequate ventilation system can easily and quickly expel any steam and foul odors, and is a critical component of this space.

During the remodeling process, consider updating your ventilation system at the same time by installing a ceiling-mounted vent fan or a combination fan/light fixture that does double duty. Just make sure not to allow the fan to exhaust into the attic or crawl space, as this will allow moisture to cause mold and mildew build up in these enclosed spaces.

Install Water-Efficient Products

Any effort you can make to cut back on water usage can save you money and can help ease the water shortage crisis that the state of California continues to be plagued with. During a bathroom remodel, consider swapping your old fixtures with water-saving models that cut back on the amount of water used. From toilets, to shower heads, to faucets, you can ensure your water usage is a minimum of 20% more efficient.


Take on a Job Out of Your Scope

You might be handy, but there are likely certain jobs that you aren’t skilled enough for. Taking on a job in an effort to save money that would otherwise be spent paying a professional can wind up in disaster if you don’t know what you’re doing.

The skill and expertise needed to design and remodel a bathroom is typically beyond the scope of the majority of DIYers and should be left to the experts, especially when dealing with the plumbing and ventilation. Stick to simpler jobs like ripping out tiles, painting, and decorating.

Forget About the Design Plan

The layout of your new bathroom should be designed with the people who will be using it most in mind. For instance, a master en suite might include more high-end finishes and components, such as the addition of a heated floor, glass-enclosed walk-in shower, and lots of fancy light fixtures.

On the other hand, a shared kids bathroom might include a double sink, no-slip tile, and a bathtub. A guest bathroom might include extra shelving and storage to provide enough space to store their things.

Forget to Budget For Unexpected Surprises

Just like any other type of remodeling job, it’s always important to budget accordingly and allocate enough money to cover unexpected problems and costs. You might discover major water damage after ripping out the drywall and flooring, which will cost money to rectify.

You may even come across a vent stack or plumbing lines inside a wall that you assumed could be ripped down. While an experienced contractor will be able to pinpoint most issues beforehand, you just never know what you’re going to find when the demolition starts, which is why it’s helpful to add another 10% to 15% on top of your budget to accommodate for these issues.

The Bottom Line

You can add tremendous value and enjoyment to your home by remodeling your bathroom if the job is done right. Be sure to heed the above tips so you don’t wind up disappointed with the end result or stuck making major alterations after the job is done.

Photo of a bed maid-up with clean white pillows and bed sheets in beauty room

Prep Your Home for Holiday House Guests

Photo of a bed maid-up with clean white pillows and bed sheets in beauty room

Is your home is the hub of the holidays this season? If so, you’ve got some work to do before your guests knock on your door. Luckily, it doesn’t have to take weeks of hard labor to get your home ready – just a few smart and simple tasks will do the trick to get things prepped for holiday house guests.

Figure Out the Sleeping Arrangements

If you’re lucky enough to have a guest room, fantastic. If not, you’ve got a little coordinating you do. Figure out the sleeping arrangements for your house guests, and if that means shuffling family members around to accommodate, do these logistics beforehand.

Maybe Junior will have to sleep with Mommy and Daddy to free up a bed, or perhaps the living room couch will be need to act as a makeshift bed. Whatever the case may be, have this arrangement handled in advance so you’re not scrambling at the last minute.

Make Up the Guest Bed(s) With Fresh Sheets

If no one has slept in the guest bed for months, the sheets will start to get a bit stale. Rip those babies off and slap on a set of crisp, fresh-smelling bedsheets and pillowcases. Set out some extra blankets and pillows too, in case your guests are the type to get really cozy and bundled in bed. And while you’re in there, take a couple of minutes to tidy up and get rid of anything that doesn’t belong.

Clean and Stock Up the Bathroom

Tidying up and dusting is a no-brainer, not just when house guests are shacking up with you. But one room in particular that needs some extra attention is the bathroom (for obvious reasons). Most people won’t get too bent out of shape about a tad of dust underneath furniture, but certain marks and streaks (and smells) in the bathroom can be enough to turn anyone off.

Make sure you clean every corner of the bathroom, including the floor, sink, toilet, shower stall, bathtub and mirrors. Dump out the trash, take out a fresh stack of clean towels, refill the soap dispenser, and restock the toilet paper. Your guests will appreciate the fact that they don’t have to bust your chops asking for anything when everything has already been handed to them on a silver platter.

Have Your Morning Essentials in Order

Some people instinctively reach for their coffee first thing in the morning, while others look forward to a massive bowl of cereal when they wake. Everyone’s different, so make sure you get the 411 on what your house guests prefer to have at their disposal in the morning.

Find out what they like to drink and eat for breakfast, and make sure to hit the supermarket to pick these things up before they arrive. Set these things up in an easily-accessed area on the kitchen countertop, and be sure to point them out to your house guests when you’re giving them the tour so they don’t feel obligated to be served in the morning.

Give Them a Spot to Chill Out in Peace

As cool and fun-to-be-with as you are, most people don’t necessarily want to be in each other’s faces 24/7. So give your house guests some quiet space where they can catch up on their novel, watch their favorite show, or do whatever else floats their boat. They’ll appreciate the consideration of setting up a little area where they can retreat to in order to get a little ‘me’ time.

Plan Things to Do

Depending on how long your house guests plan to stay with you over the holidays, you might want to plan some fun things to do while they’re there. Sure, you could watch holiday movies until you’re blue in the face, but consider finding out what types of things your guests might be interested in doing besides being stuck in front of the tube.

Maybe they’d like to check out the local museum or infamous eateries in your city. Or maybe they’d like to check out some landmarks specific to your town, or even checkout a show. You don’t have to do all of these things, but even a day or two of activity can be enough to break up the monotony of an extended holiday guest stay.

The holidays are all about family and friends, and sharing in the joy of the season. But if you’re well-prepared for your house guests, the holidays can be that much sweeter.

Home buyers with a real estate agent signing a contract

Rookie Mistakes Home Buyers Should Avoid

Home buyers with a real estate agent signing a contract

Think about all those past purchases that you’ve later regretted. And while you may have wasted your money on these items that were seldom used, they pale in comparison to the amount of money you’d be spending on a home. That’s one major purchase you definitely don’t want to suffer ‘buyer’s remorse’ from.

Buying property is likely the biggest investment you’ll ever make in life. It’s is an exciting thing, but it can also send you up the creek if you’re not careful.

If you’re a home-buying newbie, steer clear of the following common mistakes that rookies tend to make throughout the buying process. Your wallet will thank you.

Not Finding Out What Your Credit Score is

Your credit score plays a key role in whether or not a lender will say “yes” to your mortgage application. And even if you do get a stamp of approval, your credit score could affect the interest rate you get stuck with. The higher your score, the better. Generally, if your score is 700 and up, you’re looking at getting the lowest interest rate that the lender can offer, which can shave off thousands of dollars from your mortgage.

You’ll want to find out what your credit score is before you even look into getting a mortgage pre-approval. And that means getting your hands on a copy of your credit report. Chew on this fact – over 40 million credit reports have mistakes in them! And these mistakes can have a grave effect on the credit scores that Americans are walking around with. Catching these errors and disputing them before you apply for a mortgage can ensure that the interest rate you’re given accurately reflects your actual score.

So if you find any errors that could affect your credit score, make sure they’re fixed right away. Check your credit report at least three months before house hunting, and if you spot an error, kindly ask the credit bureau to fix it.

Not Visiting With a Mortgage Specialist

How will you know what you’ll be able to afford if you don’t get your finances in order and get pre-approved for a loan? Even if you’ve got a decent handle on your money, that doesn’t necessarily mean the bank will say “yes” to financing a certain purchase. There are a lot of factors that affect your mortgage application aside from just the listing price of the home.

Before you start pounding the pavement in search of a new house, it’s wise to get pre-approved for a mortgage first. While this doesn’t exactly guarantee that final approval will be granted, it’ll at least give you a specific price range to look within, and it’ll show the seller that you’re serious about buying and that you’ve done your due diligence.

If you’ve been pre-approved for a mortgage that would cover no more than a $600,000 home, there’s no point in looking in neighborhoods where the average home goes for $900,000+.

Falling in Love With a Home That You Haven’t Bought Yet

This is a biggie. Newbie homebuyers have a tendency of falling head-over-heels in love with a home while on the market prowl, only to wind up losing the home for whatever reason. This ends up leaving homebuyers heartbroken and jaded about the market, which does nothing put put a wrench in the process.

You may come across a home that you absolutely adore, but getting emotionally attached before you’ve even signed on the dotted line is a bad idea. What if there’s a bidding war and you lose out? What if you can’t get financing for the place? There are several reasons that could prevent you from snagging that prized possession, so keeping your emotions in check can is important.

Remember – there’s always going to be another house out there. The more homes you visit, the better.

Waiving the Home Inspection Clause

Even the home you’re thinking of buying is new-ish, it still needs to be inspected by a professional after you’ve signed a purchase agreement. You just never know what might be lurking up in the attic or in the plumbing pipes that you might not have noticed during your own inspection of the home.

New homebuyers might skip this step because they get emotionally attached to the property (see #1) and want the place no matter what. Maybe they’re competing with another interested buyer and want a clean contract to get the deal done. Whatever the case may be, waiving the home inspection is a bad idea.

This clause will help protect you should the inspector find something that would otherwise be a deal-breaker. You’re then legally able to walk away from the deal if something is found that you just can’t live with, or you can even ask the seller to fix the issue or drop the price in compensation. Don’t be afraid to include this clause, and speak up to get things fixed before you seal the deal.

Not Using an Agent

Just about everyone who’s looking for a home will look to the internet to search listings and see what’s out there. That’s fine and all, but when your search starts to get serious, there’s no substitute for a real live agent.

A good real estate agent will find homes that you won’t necessarily see advertised on the net. They’ve got the inside scoop on properties that might not even have hit the market yet. And aside from what the home is priced at and what it looks like, you’ll be able to get a lot more nitty gritty details about properties that the average joe won’t be able to find, such as recently sold comps, neighborhood walk scores, and so on.

You’ll be better armed at the negotiating table if you’ve got a professional real estate agent in your corner.

This last one is probably the biggest mistake you’ll want to avoid, as an agent will help prevent you from making the other blunders in the first place.

Jumping into the real estate market for the first time is exhilarating, and so it should be. But taking precautions is totally necessary if you want to avoid getting stuck in a money pit.

Photo of Christmas pastel decorations in a studio

4 Modern Decorating Ideas for the Holidays

Photo of Christmas pastel decorations in a studio

For decades, homeowners have covered their homes in the same two colors during the last month of the year. Greenery has long been used as the base color, with bold splashes of red to provide contrast. Colors like gold, silver, and white often creep in, but green and red almost always predominate.

In recent years, however, people have begun questioning those traditions, moving toward new ways of decorating the home for the holiday season. Instead of throwing up a green tree with the same decorations everyone uses, homeowners can find unique ways to celebrate the season. Here are some contemporary decorating ideas to try this year.

Create a Winter Wonderland

Over the years, snow has become closely linked with holiday images. Blanketing your home in white can create a peaceful, winter-like glow that will be more celebratory than red and green ever could. If your family uses an artificial tree, consider exchanging the tried-and-true green with a stark white tree. For those who prefer real trees, a snow-flocked tree can create a similar effect. Top the tree off with white and silver ornaments and white lights and the result will be a glow that will give your home warmth throughout the season.

Go Homemade

Anyone can go to a department store and fill a cart with Christmas decorations. Instead consider creating your own decorations this year. You’ll find they’re much more charming than store-bought items ever could be and you’ll have the fun of crafting together as a family. If you aren’t the arts and crafts type or you simply don’t have time, visit a local craft fair or shop Christmas decorations on Etsy. You’ll be supporting talented crafters while filling your home with one-of-a-kind decorations.

Make It a Golden Year

Gold has become an increasingly popular color for the holiday season, whether through ornaments, or decorations throughout the house. Gold decorations have a classy appeal while still being festive. They also go well with greenery, especially when that greenery is trimmed with white lights. If you choose gold for your tree, keep it simple by using white lights and white or cream trim. Use gold candleholders and trim to cover surfaces like fireplace mantels and tabletops and find a gold centerpiece for your dining room table.

Lose the Tree

Although Christmas trees are Christmas staples, some homeowners have learned that they can decorate for the holidays without the tree. Whether you’re living in a small space that doesn’t allow room for a tree or you simply want to skip the hassle of purchasing, setting up, and discarding or storing a tree, there are creative ways to decorate without it. You could decorate an existing plant, use wall decals, or create Christmas trees out of other objects.

Traditional Christmas decorations are only the beginning. With a little creativity, homeowners can push themselves to create a unique holiday look that will be both classy and festive. Even if you already have boxes full of decorations, you can add to your traditional décor with a few touches that will elevate your holiday look to a new level.

Photo of a man holding pros and cons cards

The Pros and Cons of a Home Addition

Photo of a man holding pros and cons cards

Whether your family is growing, or your home simply isn’t meeting your needs in terms of space, you’ve got a couple of options: either move to a larger home with more square footage, or add it to your existing home in the form of an addition. Both are viable options, but the choice you make should only be done after careful consideration.

Many homeowners choose to stay put and go the home addition route. But while this option offers the obvious advantage of adding more space to your home, there may be some downsides to it as well.

Before you decide to add more space to your home through an additional room or even a completely new level, weigh the pros and cons of this option first.

The Pros

You don’t have to move.

If you love your current neighborhood and don’t want to have to go through the hassle of moving your family and all of your belongings, an addition could be a great solution. This is especially true if you’ve got kids and don’t want to uproot them from their current school, unless you’re able to find another home in the same school district.

Create just the right amount and type of space that your family needs.

Rather than depending on what’s available on the market, you can have the addition tailored specifically to your needs and tastes that will match your lifestyle perfectly. You have the freedom to build the right amount of additional living space that you require, and can customize the home addition design, as long as your lot size and city by-laws permit.

You can control the costs associated with the work.

Depending on the scope of the work, you can complete your addition in stages in order to ensure the project complies with your budget. For instance, you might choose to build the home addition and move your family into it while holding off on finishing up smaller yet expensive components of the project, such as crown molding or trim work. Once your budget is capable of supporting this additional work, you can then continue. You might even want to pitch in with your own elbow grease to cut down on the costs.

The Cons

It’s disruptive.

You and your family could be living through a ton of noise, dust, and disruptions for weeks or even months if you choose to remain in the home while the construction is going on. Depending on exactly what the project entails, you might be stuck having to do without certain important components of the home. For instance, if the addition involves extending the kitchen, you might have to go without that critical space for a while.

Your other option would be to temporarily relocate while the work is being done, but this also comes with its own set of consequences. If you stay in a hotel or other similar accommodations, this could end up costing you a pretty penny when it’s all said and done, not to mention the fact that living out of a hotel can get old after a while.

If you choose to stay with family or friends, you might be saving money but you’ll also have to put up with living in someone else’s house in the meantime, which can get pretty frustrating and burdensome as time goes by, both for you and the family who graciously put you up. 

It could be more expensive than just moving.

Moving comes with the costs of real estate brokerage commissions and fees, moving company costs, land transfer taxes, lawyer fees, and other closing costs, which can certainly add up. But these expenses could actually be cheaper compared to an addition. If you don’t plan properly, the addition could cost you more than you anticipated. The last thing you want is to have to make last-minute change orders to the design while it’s under construction, as contractors will charge you a great deal for these. In addition, not only will you have to cover the costs of material and labor, you will also be responsible for paying for permits and site inspection fees from the city, which can all add up.

You might be negatively affecting the value of your home.

An addition might suit your needs, but it might transform your home to the point that your neighborhood real estate market value won’t support it. For instance, if all the homes on your street are 3-bedroom bungalows and you add a second story addition that brings your bedroom count up to 4 or 5, you run the risk of “over-improving” and not recouping the money spent on the addition come sale time.

You’re compromising your yard space.

If you’re building out, you’re encroaching on your yard space. As a result, you’ll need to be ready to accept a smaller yard when the addition is done. Not only will this potentially compromise your own enjoyment of your yard, you could also be negatively affecting the value of your home if buyers in the area are looking for more yard space. In addition, you also have to confirm with the local building inspector is see if there are any setbacks and restrictions when it comes to building an addition on your property.

The Bottom Line

A home addition could very well be a fantastic solution for your family’s needs, but considering the cost and scope of such a large project, you need to cover all the bases to make sure that you’re making the right decision. Before you call your contractor, speak with your trusted real estate agent to help you explore all of your options and ensure that the decision you make doesn’t negatively impact your current home’s value or your budget.

Photo of pumpkins and candle on a wooden table

Fun Ways to Spice Up Your Table for Thanksgiving Dinner

Photo of pumpkins and candle on a wooden table

Across the country, households are preparing for one of the biggest holidays of the year. Thanksgiving revolves around one big meal, whether that meal is for only a couple of people or an entire extended family. In addition to purchasing food for the big feast, families also spend time decorating their homes to show off their holiday spirit.

Since much of Thanksgiving takes place at the table, this is usually the focal point of a homeowner’s Thanksgiving preparations. From the plates they choose to the placemats beneath them, homeowners can improve the meal by making things much more festive. Here are a few things you can do to make your dinner table a little more festive for the holiday.

Nature’s Centerpieces

You don’t have to spend a fortune to create a winning Thanksgiving centerpiece. You can use fresh flowers or items found in your grocery store’s produce section to create a beautiful centerpiece. Instead of spending a great deal of money on decorations you’ll merely have to store until next year, your centerpiece will be both affordable and perishable. Most importantly, the fact that you did it yourself will be a real conversation starter during the meal.

Fun Place Cards

Normally reserved for fancy shindigs, place cards serve a very valuable purpose. They let dinner hosts designate seating for guests to make events go more smoothly. While most family dinners don’t need that level of organization, place cards can be fun, especially if children are involved. You can purchase premade Thanksgiving-themed place card holders or make your own using basic craft items. For even more fun, use blank place cards and have your child guests decorate them and fill in the names on Thanksgiving morning.

Cover the Table

Tablecloths are a great way to protect the table beneath and make cleanup easy. Disposable tablecloths can be tossed in the garbage at the end of the day and washable tablecloths can go straight to the laundry room. Homeowners can choose from plain tablecloths and use Thanksgiving-themed accents or go all out on a Thanksgiving-themed tablecloth and matching accessories. Table runners can be a classier alternative, whether paired with a tablecloth or used directly on the table.

Thanksgiving Dinnerware

If each year, one of your biggest hosting opportunities is Thanksgiving, it might be worth it to invest in Thanksgiving-themed dinnerware. You can purchase plates, platters, and napkin rings that bring your Thanksgiving dinner to life. Turkey-themed platters that are the perfect size to hold your turkey are available in abundance, but you may have difficulty packing your dishware until next Thanksgiving. Instead, it might be better to use your regular dinnerware and decorate around it.

Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to spend time with family and reflect on all of the great things in life. By sprucing up your dinner table with a few festive decorations, you can create a fun atmosphere that will make the holiday one to remember. With a little creativity, you may even be able to use natural items that save money and create a unique look.

Photo of a garden architecture sketch

6 Ways to Boost the Resale Value of Your Home

Photo of a garden architecture sketch

Regardless of whether or not you’re planning on selling your home in the near future, it pays to make a few updates in order to add value to it. But don’t start dumping hoards of money on major home renovations – instead, simple changes can be easily and quickly made that barely make a dent in your bank account. Identify what buyers in your area are looking for, then make plans to carefully – and affordably – add them to your home.

Invest Early in Landscaping

A quick and sure-fire way to boost the overall value of your property is to focus on prettying up your yard. Aside from manicuring the property itself – grass-cutting, weed-picking, tree-pruning, and so forth – consider planting some flowers, bushes or hedges to create a gorgeous and inviting yard.

And the earlier you landscape, the better. That’s because allowing trees, bushes and other types of greenery to really grow and flourish takes time. In a few years, the mature tress in your property will be a big selling point in a future listing.

Reface or Replace the Front Door

Aside from the landscaping in the front yard, a lovely front door will also help enhance the curb appeal of a home. And the more visually appealing the house is from the outside, the higher the perceived value will be.

If your front door is tired-looking, it might be time to either reface it, or replace it. The entire look of the exterior of your home depends quite a bit on the look of your front door (this goes for the garage door(s) too).

Make Minor Renovations to Your Kitchen

The kitchen can be a huge selling point in a home if it’s properly done and well-maintained. If your kitchen is a bit outdated and could use a little TLC, a minor renovation may be in order. The key here is to keep the job “minor” in nature – spending too much on a remodel in this space might not get you the ROI you’re hoping for.

Go for smaller-scale updates, such as a new backsplash or countertops, refaced cabinet doors, new hardware, new appliances, and a faucet replacement. This can have your kitchen looking as good as new at a fraction of the cost of a full renovation. This way, you can expect anywhere between a 75% to 100% ROI at the point of sale.

Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

You’d be amazed at how far a can of paint can go in terms of freshening up an interior and upping the value of a home. A new coat of paint can realistically give you the best bang for your buck, considering the difference between the cost of the paint and the value it adds to a home.

Just make sure that you use a neutral color so that it appeases to the masses, rather than an eclectic shade that only a handful of buyers will appreciate. And go with a low-VOC paint – this will keep the home eco-friendly, and your family members safe from harmful off-gases.

Upgrade Your Flooring

Don’t underestimate the value of the floor that you’re standing on when it comes to the value of your home. The majority of real estate experts agree that spending some cash on floors can make a huge difference in the look of an interior, and the ultimate value of the property. In many cases all that may be needed is just a few nails to get rid of annoying squeaks, patching up damaged floor boards, and replacing a couple of chipped tiles.

In cases where new flooring is needed, be sure to go for materials that are good quality and visually appealing, but not over-the-top-expensive. Go for engineered wood planks, or modern wall-to-wall carpet. New flooring can completely transform the look of a space, and reap a decent ROI too.

Replace/Add Light Fixtures

Lighting can greatly enhance the appeal of an interior. But don’t just cover your home in one type of lighting. The key is to layer the type of fixtures and equip them with dimmers.

For example, in the kitchen, include a chandelier over the table, pot lights scattered across the ceiling, pendant lamps over the island (if you’ve got one), and under cabinet lighting over the countertops. In the living room, add pot lights, wall sconces, and table and floor lamps to add light and depth.

The addition of dimmers will allow you to set the right mood for the moment – if you’re having family game night, turn them up; on the other hand, turn the dimmers down when you’re relaxing by the fire. And remember – high wattage bulbs make small spaces feel more spacious, while soft lighting adds warmth to scarcely-furnished rooms.

There’s no need to make a hole in your wallet to make major changes to your home that will in turn add value to the property. Identify which updates will pay off, and you can easily rake in more money come sale time after carrying out a few carefully thought-out projects.